(1) Chakrasana
(a) Lay down on your mat. Bend the knee and bring it towards your thigh as far as possible.
(b) After bending the knees keep a distance of 10 inches between the feet
(c) Bend the elbows and place the palms above the shoulders on the ground near the head.
(d) Now inhale slowly raise your abdominal part.
(e) Raise your body in such a way that the legs and feet remain tight and close to each other.
(f) Now slowly inhale and exhale stay 30 second And slowly lay down on your mat.
(a) Keep your body stable to maintain the posture.
(b) Do not take much stretch while doing this yoga exercise.
(a) It keeps your heart healthy.
(b) Chakrasana is helpful in removing fat from the waist.
(c) This is a very good yoga practice for the lungs.
(d) Chakrasana make the backbone flexible and strong.
(e) It reduce the stress in the body.
(f) sharpens eyesight